The Garcia's!

Monday, January 10, 2011

New Outlook on Life!

Update from the doctor...
He wants to get more agressive, meaning he wants to start IUI with injectables next month. The cost of this will range from $600 to $1500 a month for 3 months. If that doesn't work, we will probably go to Invitro next which ranges from $10,000+. Option 2, since our insurance doesn't cover any of this, we can go back to taking Metformin, Clomid & Prometrium. This will cost about $100 a month.

Although I would really like to do atleast ONE month of IUI, I just don't know if we can afford it right now. I left the doctor's office crying. It just doesn't seem fair to me, but I have been doing a lot of thinking lately. I really feel like if I would get on a closer level with the Lord, that better things might happen for us. I pray that I will get pregnant all the time, and I know the Lord hears a sinner's prayers but He probably doesn't answer them as He would a born-again Christian. I read my Bible for a good 30 minutes last night and it was quite interesting. I have so many people always tell me that they are praying for us and it makes me feel so guilty that I am not as close to God as I should be. It also makes me feel guilty for the fact that I have so many people praying that I will get pregnant with a healthy baby while there are so many sick people and children out there that need miracles far worse than I do. If you are reading this and you have ever prayed for me, THANK YOU! You don't know how much it means to me. I try my best to be a good person and I am pretty sure for the most part that I am. Of course there are things I need to rid of my life and I do intend on doing that. I am very lucky girl to have the family and friends that I have. I don't what I would do without them sometimes. They are my rocks, my support system and also my biggest critics(whether I like it or not, lol).

This is an amazing and powerful song!!! So perfect!

Hope everyone has a blessed day!!

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